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Bella Cera Brings a Passion for
Old-World Craftsmanship to Hardwood Flooring

Our goal is to make it affordable for you to own a wood floor that's truly a work of hand-made art.

In a world of shortcuts and compromises, we produce flooring the slow, painstaking way. And it shows in every plank that leaves our facility. From the uncompromising choice of source woods, to true hand carving by skilled artisans, to an unsurpassed floor finish created especially to bring out the unique character of the wood.

We offer our hardwood flooring in a broad range of woods and finishes to allow you unbridled creativity in your choices - whether you seek a warm, refined, traditional style, or a cool, urban attitude. And our trendy random-width line lets you express yourself in the latest fashion.

Use the Bella Cera website to help you crystallize your ideas about what you're looking for. Then use the Dealer Locator to find your nearest Bella Cera Hardwood Flooring dealer and view samples in person. You'll see our passion in every plank.

Bella Cera Hardwood Floors
400 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 115
So. San Francisco, CA 94080

hand scraped hardwood flooring tools
hand scraped hardwood floors hardwood floor staining brush
Please be aware that product availability and listings vary from one portion of the country to another. For the best results in viewing our hand-crafted products, please enter your zip code in our site's store locator on the top right hand side of our site. You may also contact our customer service agents for more product details.
The purchase of Bella Cera Hardwood Flooring from an unauthorized dealer or via the internet will automatically void any manufacturer’s warranty. An authorized dealer is not allowed to sell and ship material outside their local territory, particularly into another distributors territory.
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